Best camp day ever. It kicked off with library time at Monica Ros (thanks to Mrs. Hooper for setting up outside for us every week!). And then (also thanks to Mrs. Hooper for the genius idea!) we set off on our literary scavenger hunt.
Marsden and Ben in one car and Ziggy and Sa in the other. We set off to hide our books and create clues for the other team. We led each other around Ojai with fun clues to both guess the book and the location of each. After a lunch meet-up we mixed up the teams for the afternoon and Marsden went to find books with Sa and Ziggy with Ben.
It was a perfect activity for the 98 degree day (in the air-conditioned car).
Marsden's clues:
A boy built a robot to play in this kind of field to save his town from a gigantic red ball (Randy Riley's Really Big Hit @ Sunset Elementary School, where Marsden had baseball practice)
A bear and a little girl climbed one of these to find fruit but instead found a dead baby animal (Blueberries for Sal @ a hill at the Meadow Preserve where we once saw the aforementioned dead baby animal)
A man and his dog have a list of five things to do, including building a place to swim at this place where you learn - where they also happen to be building a new library and art room. (DIG! @ Monica Ros School)
This man must be careful to not get picked up at this popular hiking and swimming spot, because he wants to get home to his family tree. (Stick Man @ the River Preserve)
This old truck has fun with his friend when they go out at night and push over farm vehicles. (Tractor Trouble @ the Mater truck in the Boku parking lot)
A boy found Buster in this place and later returned him home using balloons. (Lizard From the Park @ Libbey Park)
Ziggy's clues:
I can "bear"ly contain myself. I "ought to" get my "paws" on some books... (Otto the Book Bear @ Bart's Books)
Man, I could go for an Ojai Pixie right now. I hope the pixie factory doesn't pollute all of Ojai, then I might have to cancel my field trip. (Michael Bird-Boy @ Friend's Ranches)
If I built a learning institution, for Mrs. Berndt's son, it would be here, right by the sign. (If I Built A School @ Thacher)
Saul's dog. And this is where you might get food for him. (Archie @ the pet store)
If you fall on your tuchus, you can go here to get an everything bagel (The Bagel King @ Westridge)
Races don't always turn out like you think they will. Sometimes slow and steady wins the race, even where the Rangers throw the pigskin. (The Really Groovy Story of the Tortoise and the Hare @ the Nordhoff High track)